Sunday, December 29, 2019

Types of Decision Making with an Example of Organization

Solution : TYPES OF DECISION MAKING WITH AN EXAMPLE Irreversible These are type of decisions, which if made once cannot be undone. Whatever is decided would then have its repercussions for a long time to come. It commits one irrevocably when there is no other satisfactory option to the chosen course. A manager should never use it as an all-or-nothing but instant escape from general indecision. Reversible These are the decisions that can be changed completely, either before, during or after the agreement of taking action. Such types of decisions allows one to acknowledge a mistake early in the process rather than perpetuate it. It can be effectively used for changing circumstances where reversal is necessary. Experimental These types†¦show more content†¦Prioritizing factors While making a decision, a manager needs to prioritize on important factors. Some factors in a process are more important than others. The use of Pareto’s rule of Vital Few and Trivial may help in setting up of the priorities. Giving every factor affecting a decision equal weight makes sense only if every factor is equally important. The Pareto rule concentrates on the significant 20 percent and gives the less important 80 percent lower priority. Using advisers It is advisable to involve as many people as are needed in making a decision. In making collective decisions, specific expertise as well as experience of a person both can be used simultaneously. The decision-maker, having weighed the advice of experts and experienced hands, must then use authority to ensure that the final decision is seen through. Whetting decisions If one does not have the full autonomy to proceed, it is advisable to consult the relevant authority – not just for the final go, but also for the input. It is always in the interest of the subordinate to have the plans whetted by a senior colleague whose judgment is trusted and who is experienced. Even if there is no need to get the decision sanctioned, the top people are likely to lend their cooperation well if they have been kept fully informed all the way long, of the decision path. MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING Effective managers are tasked with making decisionsShow MoreRelatedEssay about Disaster Management1428 Words   |  6 PagesManagement Introduction All disaster managers must make decisions. Their decision involves a comparison between several alternatives and an evaluation of the outcome. The quality of the decisions managers make is the true measure of their performance. Each operational decision influences future actions, which in turn, require further decisions. Errors in decision-making, therefore, tend to be cumulative. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Whether Aphrodisiacs Pose A Mental Or Physical Stimulation...

Aphrodisiacs in the Body and Mind An Aphrodisiac is defined a substance such as foods, drinks, or drugs, that cause or increase sexual desire (Aphrodisiacs, n.d.). This paper will investigate whether aphrodisiacs pose a mental or physical stimulation on the human body. It has been recorded that in multiple points of history, many things were considered aphrodisiac, some of these things include potatoes. Aphrodisiacs have Greek origins, deriving from the Greek word aphryodisiakos meaning sexual gem with aphrodisiac properties, from aphrodisiac heterosexual pleasures form the neuter plural of aphrodisios of Aphrodite; greek goddess of love and fertility (Aphrodisiacs, n.d.). The first aphrodisiac recorded in human history was body odor, and potions were sold in ancient Rome. Aphrodisiacs were considered a threat to chastity after the Roman Empire ended, which prompted the church to outlaw several aphrodisiacs. Western civilizations such as the Incans and Aztecs used aphrodisiacs for reproductive purposes and Asia u tilized plants and insects as aphrodisiacs in order to increase their sexual libido. Aphrodisiacs have shown to be dynamic in culture and practices, and also in the utilization within diverse groups of people. Aphrodisiacs remain a topic of study for researches today, as they explore how various senses of the body affect sexual arousal. Asia is believed to be the top consumer of aphrodisiacs, while other countries believe the concept of Aphrodisiacs to be a

Friday, December 13, 2019

Monologues Free Essays

Joanna’s Monologue from Kramer vs. Kramer Look, during the last five years of our marriage, I was scared and I was very unhappy. And in my mind I had no other choice but to leave. We will write a custom essay sample on Monologues or any similar topic only for you Order Now At the time I left I felt that there was something terribly wrong with me. And that my son would be better off without me. I know I left my son. I know that that’s a terrible thing to do. Believe me I have to live with that every day of my life. But in order to leave him, I had to believe that it was the only thing I could do. And that it was the best thing for him. However, I have since gotten some help, and I have worked very, very hard to become a whole human being. And I don’t think I should be punished. Billy’s only seven years old. He needs me. I’m not saying he doesn’t need his father, but I really believe he needs me more. I was his mommy for five and a half years. And Ted took over that role for eighteen months. But I don’t know how anyone can possibly believe that I have less of a stake in mothering that little boy than Mr. Kramer does. I’m his mother. I’m his mother. JANICE  by Susan Pomerance Janice is awakened to the fact that the boy next door is no longer just the boy next door. How in the world could you ever predict something like this? It’s†¦ I mean, you’re so close. We’ve been neighbors forever, since we were little kids. Playing together, messing around and stuff. I’ve always thought of Ralph Merriweather as this little playmate next door, you know? This goofy kid with unruly hair and a squeaky voice and acne. How was I to know I’d fall for Ralph Merriweather? Things change, you know? One day here’s this skinny, uncoordinated guy with a big Adam’s apple and then, all of a sudden, you turn around and he’s super-neat. One day he’s a dork, the next, a hunk. It happened last night when we went over to the Merriweather’s for the holidays like we have since I can remember. Of course, there was mistletoe. And Ralph grabs me and kisses me, and – wow! All of a sudden like he’s not just the little dork next door anymore. He’s like this familiar stranger who turns me on. Amazing. After all these years. And now everything is turned upside down. Now I find him handsome and sexy and very interesting. Why, when we were little, we used to take baths together and I never ever once thought about looking below the water line. I was more interested in his plastic duck. http://iws. punahou. edu/department/theatre/curriculum/monologues/female/janice. html How to cite Monologues, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Climatic Change And Its Effect On Society Essay Example For Students

Climatic Change And Its Effect On Society Essay Climatic Change and Its Effect on SocietyThere has been a significant climatic change that has taken placethroughout the years on Earth. These changes have effected society in more thanone way. However, there is nothing society can do about the long term influencesof climatic changes. Society has tended to address the short term effects ofclimatic changes that influence the global temperatures within the life span ofpresent generations. The following will show how climatic changes does effectsociety, health, and economics. Society depends a lot on natural resources for various aspects. First ofall, society depends largely on forests to supply trees which in turn supplywood for construction. Other resources include oil and animals (livestock). Inthe focus of wood, there is the Western Canadian Boreal Forest which is a largeproducer of wood for the United States construction industry. However, climaticchanges has had large and impacting effects on the construction industry. Compared to eastern Canada, the southern boreal forest region of western Canadahas a relatively dry climate. Thus, drought effects are one of the majorconcerns being addressed by researchers in this region. climate modellers havepredicted a large increase in temperature for this region, which could lead toeven drier conditions and enormous stresses on vegetation in the westernCanadian boreal forest. This type of impact was observed following the 1988drought it experiences, when there was a die-back of aspen over extensive areasof the aspen parkland in Western Canada. Associated with this drought was adrying up of large lakes in the region. Another potential impact for the regionis a major increase in forest fires. This is due to the fact that fire frequencyis closely linked to moisture levels which are expected to decrease underclimatic change. Thus, it is noticed that with increased climatic change thefuture that this forest has in supplying lumber is decreasing, and theconstruction industry will face a slight drawback due to this. In this it isnoticed that, with a drawback in the construction industrys output, will alsoeffect the economy and society. The economy will effect society and the decreasein output means a decrease in jobs, which in effect hurts society. Contrary to the example of the forests in Canada, is the informationfound on its agriculture. Because average temperatures are expected to increasemore near the poles than near the equator, the shift in climatic zones will bemore pronounced in the higher latitudes. In the mid-latitude regions ( 45 60latitude ), the shift is expected to be about 200-300 kilometers for everydegree Celsius of warming. Since todays latitudinal climate belts are eachoptimal for particular crops, such shifts could have a powerful impact onagricultural and livestock production. For example, in the Canadian prairies,the growing season might lengthen by 10 days for every 1oC increase in averageannual temperature. Another example (Taken from sources on the net) is the impact of climatechange on water. Now, water is a survival of mankind, in general, but almost forall life. Thus, if water was effected by climatic changes, so would society,health, as well as economics be impacted by climatic changes. In areas whereclimate change causes reduced precipitation, freshwater storage reserves,primarily in the form of groundwater, will steadily shrink. Areas where moreprecipitation was not matched by increased evaporation would experience floodsand higher lake and river levels. An increase in extreme events such as droughtsand floods would undermine the reliability of many critical sources. Diminishedsnow accumulation in winter would reduce the spring run-off that can be vital toreplenishing lakes and rivers; a 10% decline in precipitation and a 1-2oC risein temperature could reduce run-off by 40-70% in drier basins. Worseningdroughts combined with the over-exploitation of water resources would cause sa ltto leach from the soil, thus raising the salinity of the unsaturated zone (thelayer between the ground and the underlying water table). In coastal zones, alowered water table would also draw salt-water from the sea in the freshgroundwater. At the same time, higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphereare expected to improve the efficiency of photosynthesis in plants, which couldin turn cause more rapid evapo-transpiration. Together, these various effectswould have extremely negative consequences for river watersheds, lake levels,aquifers, and other sources of freshwater. As it is seen in the informationfound, such consequences would in reality effect society, agriculture, andeconomics. Society, would have lower levels of freshwater, agriculture wouldalso have lower levels of freshwater to survive on. Because of this, the economywould be effected since more work will need to be enforced to revitalize thesources of freshwater, or find more. .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 , .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .postImageUrl , .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 , .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052:hover , .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052:visited , .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052:active { border:0!important; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052:active , .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052 .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uea211da1e06deb5fadc315bd97444052:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Compare and Contrast:Martin Luther King Jr. EssayIt can be seen through these previous examples, that society is effectedby various forms of climatic change. Thus, if society is effected, so is thehealth of people within the society, and economics is also effected. Itbasically is like a continual cycle that persists with a relation betweenclimatic changes and the effects it has on society, health, and economics.